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Moje starije dete (5 godina) obožava suve brusnice. Kad ga pitam šta bi za doručak, odgovor je skoro uvek "
Corn Flakes sa brusnicama!". Stavimo mi tu i lešnika i badema, i malo meda, super to bude hranljivo. Iako voli sve to, uvek prvo peca brusnice po činiji, pa posle jede ono ostalo. Tako da, čim smo za temu
FFTO dobili
Chelsea Buns, zadate od strane Wendy sa
Notes from the Quirky Kitchen, znala sam koje suvo voće će ići u ove ružice.
Medju učesnicima ove igre najviše je Engleza, i vidim da su svima evocirale neke uspomene na detinjstvo, kad su čuli šta je tema za ovaj mesec. Wikipedia kaže da su
Chelsea Buns nastale (pogodite!) u delu Londona zvanom
Chelsea, i da se pune suvim groždjem i drugim suvim bobicama. A ja vam kažem da su ovo sasvim fine ružice od mlečnog testa a punite ih čime hoćete. Testo je jako lepo i ukusno, jedino što brusnice hoće da ispadaju iz peciva, u toku jela, jer nisu "srasle" sa testom nego su samo lagodno zarobljene unutra. Ja bih ovo drugi put posipala šećerom i lešnikom, ili čak lomljenim lešnik grilijažom, tj. nečim sitnijim. Inače, recept je odličan.
p.s. U novembru im ja zadejem temu, i dobiće da prave
kiflice sa sirom :)
250 g brašna
25 g šećera
1/4 kašičice soli
25 g omekšalog putera
10 g svežeg kvasca
1 jaje
100 ml toplog mleka
25 g omekšalog putera
60 g šećera
100 g suvih brusnica, suvog grožđa, ili drugog suvog voća
1. U vanglu staviti brašno, šećer, so i kvasac razmućen sa kašikom mlake vode. Dodati omekšali puter, jaje i mleko. Umestit mekše testo, varjačom. Pokriti plastičnom folijom i ostaviti na sobnoj temperaturi dok se testo ne udvostruči.
2. Radnu površinu posuti brašnom, pa razviti testo u pravougaonik dimenzija približno 30x22 cm. Premazati omekšalim puterom, posuti šećerom. Rasporediti suvo voće i blago ga utisnuti u testo. Zaviti u rolnu po dužoj strani, ivicu "zalepiti". Okrenuti rolnu slepljenom ivicom na dole, pa iseći na 7 jednakih delova. Prilikom sečenja testo se ne sme mnogo pritiskati nožem, da se ne bi deformisalo, nego oštrim nožem treba praviti više pokreta napred nazad, bez pritiskanja. Nož umakati u brašno posle svakog isečenog parčeta, a ako ima zalepljenog testa nož prethodno obrisati.
3. Rolnice ređati sečenom stranom na pleh postavljen papirom za pečenje. U pleh prečnika 20 cm staje 6 rolnica u krug i jedna u sredinu. Ostaviti da narastu, i zalepe se jedna uz drugu.
4. Peći oko 20 minuta na 180-200°C.
Recept za štampu
November challenge for
FFTO were Chelsea Buns, chosen by Wendy of
Notes from the Quirky Kitchen. I noticed how those rolls reminded many of English FFTO participants to childhood, so I guessed those are really worth trying.
And I was right. My 5-year old son is a big fan of dried cranberries, so we used them for the buns. My only change in the recipe was the use of plain caster sugar instead of muscovado, as I couldn't manage to find any. The buns were boy's favorite food for a day and a half, as he had it warm for dinner, then tomorrow for breakfast and again for dinner. So, thank you, Wendy, for feeding my son :)

Chelsea Buns
250 g flour
25 g caster sugar
1/4 tsp salt
25 g softened butter
10 g fresh yeast
1 medium egg, beaten
100 ml warm milk
25 g softened butter
60 g sugar
100 g dried fruit
1. Dissolve yeast in the cup with a tablespoon of lukewarm water. Combine the flour, sugar, salt and yeast into a mixing bowl. Make a well in the center and add the softened butter, egg and milk. Mix to make a soft dough. Cover and prove until doubled in size.
2. Flour your work surface, and roll out the dough to a rectangle measuring about 30x22 cm. Spread the softened butter as evenly as you can over the dough. Sprinkle the sugar and the dried fruit on top, and gently press it into the butter. Roll up the dough along the long edge. Seal the edge. Turn the roll over so that the seal is underneath and divide the roll into 7 equal buns.
3. Place the buns, cut side down, into the buttered and lined 20 cm round tin, and leave to prove until the dough has doubled in size, and they have all joined together into one big Chelsea bun muddle.
4. Bake for abot 20 minutes in the oven preheated to 180-200°C.